Past Conferences

To date, WorldCALL has held five major world conferences:


Concepción, Chile

WorldCALL 2018: CALLing all the CALLers Worldwide

13th-16th November 2018

The Conference was hosted by the University of Concepción (Concepción, Biobío Region, Chile), organized by Emerita Bañados.

Conference Website
Conference Proceedings Conference Photos

Pre conference photos


Glasgow Scotland, UK

WorldCALL 2013: Sustainability and Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) Glasgow, Scotland. Organised by the University of Ulster (Colerain, Northern Ireland)

Conference Website
Conference Proceedings


Fukuoka, Japan

WorldCALL 2008: CALL Bridges the World Fukuoka, Japan

Conference Website
Conference Proceedings


Banff, Canada

WorldCALL 2003: CALL from the Margins Banff, Canada

Conference Flyer


Melbourne, Australia

WorldCALL 1998: CALL to Creativity, Melbourne, Australia

Written by Robin Goodfellow:

Conference Report

These events have attracted participants from over 50 countries speaking many of the world's languages, from those widely spoken such as French, Mandarin Chinese and English to those less widely represented such as Hebrew, Xhosa, and Gamilaraay. As a result, sponsors have exposure to an international audience of researchers, teachers and leaders who are highly computer literate and aware of the social and cultural impact of computer technology and the internet. As such they are ambassadors for new technologies and computer applications both within and outside the traditional learning arenas.